15/06, 17h : Martin Deleixhe, “La politique européenne de l’asile doit-elle être cosmopolitique ou démocratique ?”

Martin Deleixhe, post-doctorant en science politique (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), interviendra mardi 15 juin à partir de 17h (séance en visioconférence) dans le cadre du séminaire Cosmopolitisme et justice globale sur le thème 

La politique européenne de l’asile doit-elle être cosmopolitique ou démocratique ? 

Résumé : While designing its migration policy, the European Union must carefully weigh two conflicting considerations. On the one hand, the Union has set some normative standards for itself in its Charter of Fundamental Rights. On the other hand, since 2015, several member states signalled their inability or reluctance to host newcomers.

This communication presents various solutions to reconcile the Union’s normative commitments with its migration practices. It starts by a diagnostic of the current situation of the Union’s migration policies, taking a critical look at the New Pact on Migration and Asylum.  

Next, it presents three possible scenarios for the future of the Union’s migration policies. In the first scenario, it suggests that the current status quo is unsustainable.

In the second scenario, the Union takes a step back in the management of its external borders, hands over the operational responsibilities to its member states and limits itself to a supervisory function.

In the third scenario, the European Union doubles down on the idea that what makes it stand out as a transnational polity is the fact that it is driven by a political cosmopolitanism.  Consequently, it adopts a more proactive stance in the management of migrations, emphasizing the need for European solidarity and asserting its authority over the issue. 


La participation au séminaire se fait sur inscription préalable auprès de Benjamin Bourcier, à l’adresse : benjamin.bourcier@univ-catholille.fr

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droitphilyon (8 juin 2021). 15/06, 17h : Martin Deleixhe, “La politique européenne de l’asile doit-elle être cosmopolitique ou démocratique ?” DroitPhiL. Consulté le 15 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/nwvt